Alyssa De Luccia

31 May - 30 June, 2024.
"I’ll Be Your Mirror"
— Reflections of the Contemporary Queer,
A Biennial curated by Patrick Burton, Detroit, Michigan.
Further Reading

05 Mai 2024 - 02 Juni 2024
"…sondern nahm eine Schere und fing an…"
Curated by Nick Crowe.
Gallery for Contemporary Art
Wiepersdorf-Dorfstr. 17
14913 Niederer-Fläming
Further Reading

Participating artists: ⁠
Judith Affolter, Jerome Bertrand, André Boitard,
Karlheinz Deutzmann, John Goodwin, Pim van Huisseling,
Rachel de Joode, Alyssa De Luccia, Nancy Reilly,
Islamiya Scarr, Heidi Sill, Miriam Tölke, Ksenia Tyrenko

27th October - 21 December 2023
"MODERN NOW" curated by Lee Plested.
Gallery SETAREH Berlin
Schöneberger Ufer 71, Berlin ⁠
Gallery SETAREH Berlin

⁠Participating artists: ⁠
Florian Baudrexel, Alyssa De Luccia, Boris Eldagsen, Max Frisinger, William Grob, Aniana Heras, Joa Herrenknecht, Stelios Karamanolis, Mykilos, Laura Strasser, Nicolene van der Walt⁠

18.2.22 – 30.5.22
"Images in Fashion–Clothing in Art"
Photography, Fine Arts, and Fashion since 1900,
Berlinische Galerie, Modern Art, Photography and Architecture, Curated by Dr. Annelie Lütgens, and the Director of the museum, Dr. Thomas Köhler, Berlin.

Karl Arnold, Martin Assig, Marta Astfalck-Vietz, Atelier Marion/Anny Fuchs, Elvira Bach, Patrizia Bach, Hans Baluschek, Sibylle Bergemann, Rolf von Bergmann, Benno Berneis, BLESS, Erwin Blumenfeld, Tabea Blumenschein, Marc Brandenburg, Alyssa DeLuccia, Minya Diez-Dührkoop, Ruth Döring, Mercedes Engelhardt, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Lieselotte Friedlaender, Ulrike Grossarth, George Grosz, F.C. Gundlach, Gerd Hartung, Bertram Hasenauer, Raoul Hausmann, Richard Hildebrand, Jacob Hilsdorf, Reiner Hirsekorn, Hannah Höch, K.H. Hödicke, Alexandra Hopf, Leo von König, Astrid Köppe, Angelika Kroker, Käthe Kruse, Juliane Laitzsch, Lotte Laserstein, Ute Mahler, Jeanne Mammen, Anna Muthesius, Helmut Newton, Heinz Oestergaard, Jacqueline Ostermann, Ulrike Ottinger, Nicola Perscheid, Rico Puhlmann, Lilla von Puttkamer, Rolando Rasmussen, Raffael Rheinsberg, Frieda Riess, August Sander, Ursula Sax, Christian Schad, Rudolf Schlichter, Wiebke Siem, Franz Skarbina, Claudia Skoda, Eugen Spiro, Luis Steigleder, Herbert Tobias, Hann Trier, Umbo (Otto Umbehr), Dr. phil. Peter Weller, Julie Wolfthorn, Wols (Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze), Yva (Else Neuländer-Simon)

Catalogs are available both in English and German and can be purchased directly in the Museum, along with Posters created specifically for the exhibition.

2020: When We First Arrived, The Corner at Whitman-Walker, Washington, D.C. Curated by Ruth Noack (Berlin), Mary Ellen Carroll and Lucas Michael. Further Reading

Cande Aguilar, Ricci Albenda, Bill Allen, Marina Ancona, Carolina Antich, Catalina Antonia Granados, Polly Apfelbaum, Michele Asselin and Glenda Carpio, Walead Beshty, Paige Bradley, Eric Brown, Davide Bulula, Robert Buck, Dietmar Busse, Ambreen Butt, Mary Ellen Carroll, York Chang, Mel Chin, David Colman, Beatriz Cortez, Tony Cox, Jessica Craig-Martin, Anna Daučíková, Shezad Dawood, Lorenzo De Los Angeles, Beto De Volder and Leon Villagran, Anne Delaney, Alyssa DeLuccia, Liz Deschenes, Vikram Devicha, Cirilo Domine, Trisha Donnelly, Joanne Dugan, The Dufala Brothers—Billy Dufala and Steven Dufala, Jack Early, EIDIA House (Paul Lamarre and Melissa P. Wolf), Manuel Esnoz, Rochelle Feinstein, Patricia Fernandez, Avram Filkenstein, Kim Folse, Jean Foos, Eve Fowler, Ivan Gaete, Molly Gochman, Camilo Godoy, Terrence Gower, Dan Graham, John Hanning, Graciela Hasper, Karolyn Hatton, Dana Hoey, Ashley Hunt, Samuel Jablon, Jesse Presley Jones, Rhea Karam, David Kelley, Maria Kent and Erin Leland, Jon Kessler, Elisabeth Kley, Alice Könitz, Josh Lehrer, Cary Leibowitz, Simon Leung, Siobhan Liddell, Matt Lipps, Tod Lippy, Mary Lum, Eva Lundsager, Brian Maguire, Yeni Mao, Jessica Mein, Julie Mehretu, Lucas Michael, Wardell Millan, Katrina Moorhead, Carlos Motta, Jason Murphy, Antony Nagelmann, Kambui Olujimi, Jeanine Oleson, Annee Olofsson, Ruby Osorio, Spencer Ostrander, Arthur Ou, Paul Pfeiffer, Pope.L, Gala Porras Kim, Liliana Porter, Luiza Prado de O. Martins, Barbara Probst, Rob Pruitt, Adam Putnam, Michael Rakowitz, Paul Ramirez Jonas, Ugo Rondinone, Kay Rosen, Alejandra Seeber, Alexandro Segade, Kang Seung Lee, Anna Sew Hoy, Amy Sillman, Laurie Simmons, Xaviera Simmons, Pamela Sneed, A.L. Steiner, Berend Strick, Lisa Tan and Johnny Chang, Steed Taylor, Ana Tiscornia, Lincoln Tobier, Julie Tolentino, Fred Tomaselli, Boris Torres, Marguerite Van Cook, Rafael Viñoly, Lawrence Weiner, Judi Werthein, Barbara Westermann, Summer Wheat, Bob Witz.

"Where is the Light",
digital photo-documented collage on fine art photo paper, 2023.

Alyssa De Luccia is a visual artist, who lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Simultaneous dualities is a recurring theme in her work. As an artist, she draws inspiration from unfamiliar environments with the knowledge that everything isn't what it appears to be. Alyssa DeLuccia engages a range of disciplines which include photo-documentation, installation, portraiture, photo-montage and most recently drawing, reflecting her interest in formalism while at the same time following a strong tradition in feminism, surrealism and dadaism. While her work increasingly reflects these influences, in recent times it also leans towards a social and political statement of a society out of balance as well as paying homage to the work of Hannah Hoch, a pioneer of Photomontage and social criticism of mass media.

She has shown in numerous museums and galleries, including The Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany; The Corner at Whitman-Walker, Washington, DC; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden; the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein; Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery in Paris; and the Brandenburg State Museum in Cottbus, Germany. She has been the recipient of grants and residencies from a range of sources including The MacDowell Colony; KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin; KB-Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin; the Cité des Arts in Paris; Stiftung Kunstfonds from Bonn; Research/ Artist Grant and a Special Scholarship for Fine Arts from the Berlin Senate.
Further Reading (Text) by Andrea Scrima

For image requests, please contact VG Bild-Kunst,
the German non profit collecting society: